Contact Us

Availability and After hours

Aspendale Clinic is open Monday to Friday.

If you require medical attention when we are closed, we recommend using our accredited locum service that provides a home visiting, bulk billing Doctor upon a patient’s request.  Clinic Doctors are always available via telephone if the locum Doctor needs further information about, or help with, any patient.

After Hours phone number for Locum Service: 9429 5677


We welcome feedback from patients. This can be anonymous if preferred. As part of our accreditation process, we have a patient survey which asks for patients’ opinions on various matters dealing with the practice. You are encouraged to fill in the survey to help us see what improvements can be made.

If you have any suggestions to improve this Clinic’s range of services, we would like to hear from you.


Please contact your Doctor or other staff members if you have any complaints. All complaints will be handled in a confidential manner. If we cannot resolve your complaint, you may contact the Health Services Commissioner on 8601 5200 or 1800 136 066 (toll-free).