Emergency Dental Services


Emergency Dental Services in Camberwell Call Now

At Camberwell Family Dental our dentists and support staff will do our best to get you an appointment to be seen by our emergency dentist as soon as possible when a dental emergency arises. We are available 6 days a week including late nights and Saturdays. Regardless of the extent of damage and the urgency of the emergency, our Camberwell emergency dental services can help make sure you get the treatment you need.

There are a number of situations where damage can be caused to your teeth where treatment is needed right away. If you forget to wear your mouth guard during a game of sport and your front tooth is knocked out then you are going to need emergency dental treatment as soon as possible. If your crown dislodges, you lose a filling or a part of your tooth breaks, the quicker you get these problems attended to the better.

Types of Dental Emergencies


Cracked or chipped teeth 

 should be seen to as soon as possible so that it can be repaired before it gets worse. This is a very common dental emergency and can be due to everyday wear and tear of teeth or from an injury.



Toothaches can be incredibly painful and can occur out of nowhere. If you become extremely sensitive to cold and especially hot or it is keeping you up at night it can be a sign that treatment is needed and an appointment should be made as soon as possible. Pain relief medication can reduce the pain but will not make the problem go away completely. There is always an underlying reason for a toothache and the longer you leave it the worse it will get.


Loose or fallen out Crowns

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What to do When Your Tooth that has been Knocked Out

If a tooth has been completely knocked, it can be put straight back into the socket. If it is not possible at the time, keep it moist in milk or your own1 saliva and see your dentist immediately.

If you have a dental emergency in Camberwell and are concerned, our emergency dentists at Camberwell Family Dental are here to help. We will do everything we can to assist and aim to make your dental experience as comfortable as possible!

  • Baseball
  • Basketball
  • Netball
  • Boxing and Kickboxing
  • Cricket
  • Football
  • Rugby
  • Soccer
  • Wrestling


Let Us Protect Your Smile
If you play physical sports, it is extremely important your mouth is protected to prevent injuries to your teeth, tongue, gums and jaw. At Camberwell Family Dental we create custom mouthguards that are moulded precisely to fit your mouth. There is also a wide range of mouthguard colours for you to choose from so we encourage you to visit us to find one that suits.

A custom fitted mouthguard is preferred rather than over the counter ones as there is less protection. Custom mouthguards fit more snug and secure meaning you can keep focused on playing the game instead of trying to keep your teeth clenched to hold it in place. It also is less restricting on your speech and ability to breathe as it is moulded just for you.

A sport mouthguard should be worn whenever you’re playing a contact sport whether it is at training or a proper game.

Are you playing a sport in the list below and not protecting your mouth? If so, contact Camberwell Family Dental to make an appointment for your custom fitted mouthguards in Camberwell, Melbourne!

What are the Risks if I don’t Wear a Mouthguard?
If a mouthguard isn’t worn when playing sport and you get a blow to the face, it may cause serious injuries that could be prevented if one was worn. When there’s direct impact to the lower part of your face it can cause teeth to chip and break or even the loss of one or more teeth. As your local dentist, we care enough to tell you that we do not believe it is worth the risk not to wear one when playing a sport where facial injury is a possibility.

Caring for your Mouthguard 
After every use, make sure to rinse it in warm soapy water and allow it to completely dry. When your mouthguard is not in use always keep in a cool dry place in the plastic container it comes with. If your mouthguard is left in the heat it could distort and have less protection for your mouth. Remember, that we custom fit your mouthguard to suit your mouth.

Remember to bring your mouthguard to your regular dentist visits so that your dentist can make sure it is still in good condition.

Mouthguards for Kids
Many kids have experienced dental injuries while playing sport. To prevent this from happening it is imperative that children are fitted with a custom mouthguard. As a child’s jaw grows and baby teeth are falling out or adult teeth are coming through a mouthguard may need to be replaced every season.

Information about our Nightguards
Are you waking up at night with a sore jaw, a headache or sore teeth? You may want to speak to our dentists about a night guard in Camberwell!

Nightguards, also known as Occlusal splints are used for people that suffer from clenching and grinding their teeth. It is also used for TMD (Temporomandibular Disorder), which is pain in your jaw joint and in the muscles that control jaw movement. This mouthguard is worn at night and can protect heavily restored teeth and even unrestored teeth from cracks and strains to your jaw muscles. Come and see one of our friendly dentists to have a custom fitted nightguard made. It will take will only take 2 appointments.

Visit 1: Your dentist will take some moulds of your teeth with an impression material. Your moulds will be sent off to the lab to have your nightguard made. This process only takes about 10 minutes.

Visit 2: It usually takes 10 working days to have the splint back from the lab. At your second appointment the dentist will try it in your mouth and make sure it fits nicely. They will show you how to take it in and out of the mouth and store it and keep it clean.

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What is Root Canal Treatment?

Root canal treatment, also technically known as Endodontic treatment is when the center of the tooth consisting of nerves, blood vessels and connective tissues, also known as pulp is removed. This is done to save a tooth that would otherwise need to be extracted.

Once all the pulp has been successfully removed, the tooth is then filled and sealed to prevent bacteria from entering. As the pulp supplies feeling to a tooth, when it is removed there is no pain and discomfort to that tooth anymore.

Why Might I Need Root Canal Treatment in Camberwell?

Are you experiencing lingering pain or tooth pain that is keeping you up at night? Or perhaps you have the unpleasant feeling of being really sensitive to hot drinks. These are just some of the signs you may need a root canal. Often a tooth with decay that is left untreated can result in an infected pulp. Trauma, such as falling over and hitting your tooth can also cause a tooth to die resulting in root canal treatment. In order to keep these teeth in your mouth for many years to come, root canal treatment is necessary to save your tooth.

What Should I Expect With Camberwell Root Canal Treatment?

Root canal treatment in Camberwell is usually done over several appointments.
An opening is made on the top of the infected tooth. It is then flushed out and cleaned to remove the infected pulp and bacteria within the tooth. The canals are then shaped so that they can be easily filled and sealed. The opening made at the beginning is then restored using a white filling material.
After Root canal treatment, a non-vital tooth is not as strong anymore and can become quite brittle. We recommend having a crown to protect and increase longevity of the tooth.

Are There Other Options Instead Of Root Canal Treatment?

The only other option if you do not want to save the tooth is to have it taken out. If it is a tooth that can be seen in your smile line and you don’t want to go ahead with root canal treatment you may want to consider other replacements. These can include dentures, implants and bridges. Contact Camberwell Family Dental to discuss treatment options with one of our lovely dentists!


A dental extraction is the procedure of removing a tooth from the mouth. Though it is a dentist’s priority to save teeth by providing solutions such as root canal treatment, crowns, and fillings; there are times where teeth cannot be saved. There are many reasons why a tooth may need to be removed, including:

  • Dental Extractions for Orthodontics
  • Impacted Wisdom
  • Tooth Extraction
  • Broken Tooth Extraction
  • Surgical Tooth Extraction
  • Dental Extractions for Orthodontics

If you are planning to get orthodontics, and have crowding teeth, your orthodontist may recommend some extractions. Removing some teeth creates space for the teeth to move into the new, desired position. Your orthodontist will usually give you a letter or referral if you need teeth removed prior to placing your braces.

Impacted Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Wisdom teeth can be quite troublesome, and for some people they might even grow sideways! When they develop in different directions and get stuck (impacted), they can usually cause problems. Some of these problems can include pain, swelling and even decay to the neighbouring teeth. Our dentists recommend to remove wisdom teeth if they are impacted to prevent any future problems, and can possibly remove them for you while in the chair. For more difficult extractions we can refer you to a specialist. Come in and have a consult to find out the right option for you.

Broken Tooth Extraction

If you have broken a tooth, and it is beyond repair, the dentist may opt to remove the tooth. Sometimes decay or fractures can be too extensive, and can be virtually impossible to repair using traditional fillings. Our dentists will be able to remove the tooth for you, and help you prevent any more breaks and/or decay with some oral health management.

Surgical Tooth Extraction

When an extraction becomes complex, it may turn into a surgical extraction. This is when the dentist will need to cut through the gum to retrieve the tooth. This could be because the tooth root is still inside the socket, or because the whole tooth may be still under the gums. Once the tooth is retrieved, the dentist will need to use sutures to close the socket where the tooth has been removed from. These sutures are specially designed to dissolve after a week or two. Surgical tooth extraction require more attention, so may be more costly than a simple extraction.

Healing, Recovery and Post-Extraction Care

The timeframe for healing and recovery is dependent on the type of dental extraction. Sometimes it is just a few days but where it is a surgical extraction, the timeframe may be longer as indicated. We can advise you during the consultation so you can plan for recovery time if any is needed at all. The sockets can begin to heal quite quickly if cared for according to our recommendations. It’s important to look after your health and be aware of eating habits after extractions.

Book an Appointment Today

If you would like to book an appointment for tooth extractions in Camberwell today, you can either give us a call or book an appointment online with us today, and we’ll connect you with one of our reliable qualified dentists.


A Dental Implant is a metal root that is placed into your jaw to hold a crown or a bridge. It is a suitable procedure to replace a missing or lost tooth.


An initial consultation with the dentist to assess your dental concerns is required. At this appointment, X-rays and scans of your mouth will be taken to thoroughly assess the placement of the implant. A treatment plan tailored to your dental concerns and a quote will be provided at this appointment.

During the procedure

Prior to the surgical procedure, you will be given local anaesthetic so you will not feel any pain. The dental implant which looks similar to a screw and is made of Titanium will then be placed in your jawbone. After the placement of the dental implant, you will need to wait a couple of months for the bone to grow around the implant placement. During this period, you will come back for one or two review appointments with the dentist to assess the healing process. After the dental implant has stabilised, the dentist will take an impression of your mouth to create a crown/bridge to be placed on top of the implant. Once the artificial tooth is crafted, it will be screwed on top of the implant.

After the procedure

Some bruising, bleeding and swelling of the gums and face are normal immediately after the procedure. It is recommended that you avoid eating hard foods until the incision has healed properly.

It is important to keep the implant crown/bridge clean by brushing and flossing daily, and visiting the dentist for regular dental check-up and clean.

  • Improved smile and
  • appearance
  • Comfort
  • Durability
  • Increased confidence

  • Sinus problems
  • Damage to surrounding tooth
  • Infection Nerve damage

Zoom! Teeth Whitening

Best Zoom! Teeth Whitening in Camberwell, Melbourne
Teeth Whitening is among the most popular of dental procedures as it can easily and greatly improve your smile, giving you that extra confidence with less work compared to other needed dental services. At Camberwell Family Dental, we offer 2 different types of teeth whitening in Camberwell, Melbourne. Our dentists can help you choose the most suitable option for you depending on your needs, lifestyle and convenience. Both options have the same results and you can achieve up to 8 shades whiter. If you’re ready for a healthy smile then make a booking with us now.

In-Chair Dental Whitening

For those of you that are after a fast solution to whiter teeth then this procedure is ideal. Our Philips Zoom advanced whitening procedure can whiten your teeth with immediate results, at an affordable price! Lie back and relax in the chair for approximately 75 minutes and walk out with an instantly whiter smile. We recommend bringing along some headphones so you can listen to your own music in comfort while we provide your in-chair dental whitening.

Take Home Whitening

We do have some patients that prefer to whiten their teeth sitting in the comfort of their own home while watching a movie or even when they want to go to bed. If the whitening your teeth at home solution appeals to you more than relaxing in a dental chair, then the take home whitening kit is perfect for you. Take home whitening is done over 2 visits. Our dentists will take moulds of your teeth at your first visit to fit you with customised trays. At your second visit we will show you how to use them. Your teeth will be noticeably whiter in just 7-14 days.

Want to try both Camberwell Teeth Whitening Options?

Want to have instant white teeth and then be able to top it up at home as well? You can try both! Come in to have zoom in-chair whitening done and we can provide you with the take home kit for long term maintenance at a reduced price.

Will I Have Any Side Effects from Teeth Whitening in Camberwell?
Some people do experience a bit of sensitivity to cold during and/or after treatment however, these symptoms will subside after a couple of days. Our dentists will discuss pre and post instructions so you know what to expect. This may be how to minimise the temporary sensitivity making it more comfortable before and after your visit.

Call Us at (03) 8592 9866 to arrange your consultation for teeth whitening in Camberwell toda

Dentists sensitive to Children’s needs

Welcome to the Children’s Dentistry section at Camberwell Family Dental, where we specialize in nurturing bright and healthy smiles for the little members of your family. Our team of dedicated pediatric dental professionals at Camberwell Family Dental understands the unique needs and concerns of children, providing compassionate and tailored care to ensure a positive dental experience from a young age. We believe that building a foundation of good oral health habits early in life sets the stage for a lifetime of smiles.

Whether your child needs preventive care, orthodontic evaluation, or specialized treatments, we are here to guide you through the process. Our goal is to create a warm and inviting environment that helps children feel comfortable and at ease during their dental visits. We use kid-friendly language and gentle techniques to make each appointment a positive and educational experience.

At Camberwell Family Dental, we are committed to staying informed about the latest developments in pediatric dentistry to offer the most effective and child-friendly treatments. From routine check-ups to addressing specific dental concerns, our team is dedicated to ensuring the oral health and well-being of your little ones. Explore our Children’s Dentistry services and trust us to be your partner in fostering a lifetime of happy and healthy smiles for your children.


Welcome to the Orthodontics section at Camberwell Family Dental, where we are dedicated to cultivating healthier, more confident smiles for individuals and families alike. Our team of seasoned orthodontic professionals at Camberwell Family Dental is committed to providing exceptional care tailored to meet your unique needs. Whether you are considering traditional braces renowned for their effectiveness in complex cases or exploring the discreet option of clear aligners, we have the expertise to guide you through every step of the process.

We understand the significance of a straight smile not only for its cosmetic appeal but also for its impact on overall oral health. Correcting misalignments can prevent issues such as uneven wear, difficulty in cleaning, and jaw discomfort. Our commitment to staying abreast of the latest orthodontic advancements ensures that you receive the most innovative and up-to-date treatments available.

At Camberwell Family Dental, we believe in empowering our patients with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions about their orthodontic journey. From your initial consultation to the completion of treatment, we prioritize your comfort, understanding, and satisfaction. Our inviting and supportive environment is designed to make you feel confident in the care you receive. Explore our Orthodontics services at Camberwell Family Dental, and let us be your partner in achieving a straight, healthy, and radiant smile that lasts a lifetime.