Practice Information
Please phone the practice for an appointment or book online 24/7 using our easy online booking page.
Emergencies will be given priority. Please notify our receptionist if longer consultations are required for multiple issues or procedures, as this may affect billing and time.
It is the policy of the clinic that no referrals, prescriptions or test results may be ordered over the counter at reception. Patients have the option of either making an appointment with a doctor to request these or a request for these may be made using the telehealth or specific prescription/referral request within the online booking options on our website or app.
Please be aware that these online services may incur a fee and you will need to allow up to 5 working days for request to be processed.
Test results, or information regarding test results, cannot be given out over the phone.
This medical practice has a Zero Tolerance for abusive or threatening behaviour directed against staff or patients. This includes shouting, swearing, threats, name calling, racist comments and inappropriate gestures.
Without exception, abusers will be required to leave the clinic immediately and transfer their medical care to another practice. Refusal to leave will result in the police being called.
To facilitate continuity of care, a doctor may need to contact patients via telephone or electronic means to discuss their medical care when an in person physical consultation is not considered clinically necessary. Patients may also book telehealth consultations with their doctor of choice, however may still be required to attend the practice in person if the doctor deems it clinically necessary.
All fees are payable at the time of consultation. Our fee structure is displayed in the reception area and on our website.
Have you advised the clinic of your next of kin or emergency contact details?
Please give these details to the receptionist at your next visit.
In the case of an emergency, please ring 000. If you require urgent medical attention after hours, please contact your nearest casualty department.
Outside of our operating hours, home visits can be provided for an out of pocket expense by one of our GPs.
- Health checks
- Pre-employment Checks
- Life Insurance Checks
- Skin Checks
- Children’s Health
- Family Planning
- ECGs
- Vaccinations
- Travel Advice
- Minor Surgery
- Weight Management
- Nutritional Advice
- Sports Medicine
- Interpreter Services
- Women’s Health
We strongly encourage all children to complete their immunisations. This can be arranged through our immunisation nurses.
If you are traveling abroad, you may also need extra vaccinations. Please discuss this with your doctor ahead of time, as some vaccinations need to be given a month or so before traveling.
Our practice is committed to preventative care. Your doctor will offer appropriate health services via our recall system.
Your medical records are confidential.
It is the policy of this practice to maintain security of personal health information at all times and to ensure that this information is only available to authorised members of staff.
We abide by the 10 National Privacy Principles available at
To access a copy of your medical files, we require a written request to your treating doctor.
The clinic does prefer a “clinic to clinic” transfer, however exceptions can be made.
Parking is available directly outside the clinic, please check parking time restrictions.
For health and safety reasons, there is a no smoking policy on our practice premises.
We welcome any feedback. This may be provided by placing a form in the suggestion box at reception or speaking directly to our practice manager. We take your concerns, suggestions, compliments and complaints seriously.
For hearing impaired patients our clinic utilizes the National Relay Service – TTY voice calls 133677 or Speak & Listen 1300 555 727 24-hour service.
For non-english speaking patients our clinic utilizes the Dept of Immigration Interpreting Service – 131450
If you feel we have been unable to resolve a particular issue, please feel free to speak with your doctor or receptionist. This practice has a process to ensure that complaints are followed through appropriately.
Should you wish to have some formal support in lodging a complaint, you may contact the following –
Victoria: Health Services Commissioner on 1800 136 066 (toll free) or 03 8601 5200 Email:
NSW: Health Care Complaints Commission on 1800 043 159 (toll free) or (02) 9219 7444 Email:
ACT: ACT Health Services Commissioner on (02) 6205 2222 Email:
Queensland: Office of the Health Ombudsman (OHO), P O Box 13281 George Street Brisbane Qld 4003 Phone—133 OHO (133 646) Email:
Western Australia: Health and Disability Services Complaints Office on (08) 6551 7600 or 1800 813 583 (toll free) Email:
Please contact our friendly medical reception staff for further information