Medical Services

24 Hour Blood Pressure Monitoring

24-hour blood pressure monitoring, also known as ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM), is a diagnostic technique used to monitor a person’s blood pressure over a 24-hour period. Unlike traditional blood pressure measurements taken in a clinical setting, which provide only a snapshot of blood pressure at specific moments, ABPM provides a continuous record of blood pressure fluctuations throughout the day and night, offering a more comprehensive assessment of an individual’s blood pressure patterns.

24 Hour ECG Holter Monitoring

24-hour ECG Holter monitoring, commonly referred to as Holter monitoring, is a diagnostic test used to continuously record the electrical activity of the heart over a 24-hour period. It provides valuable information about the heart’s rhythm and electrical patterns, helping healthcare providers diagnose and evaluate various cardiac conditions, including arrhythmias, palpitations, and syncope (fainting).

Iron Infusions

Iron infusions are medical procedures used to treat iron deficiency anemia when oral iron supplements are ineffective or poorly tolerated. During an iron infusion, iron is delivered directly into the bloodstream through an intravenous (IV) infusion, allowing for rapid replenishment of iron stores in the body.

Men’s Health

Men’s health refers to the physical, mental, and social well-being of males, addressing their unique health needs, challenges, and factors that may impact their overall health and longevity. It encompasses a wide range of health issues and concerns specific to men, including physical fitness, reproductive health, mental health, and preventive care.

Child and Adolescent Health

Child and adolescent health focuses on the physical, mental, and social well-being of individuals from infancy through adolescence, addressing their unique health needs and promoting healthy development and growth. It encompasses a wide range of health issues and concerns specific to children and adolescents, including growth and development, preventive care, nutrition, mental health, and safety.

Health Checks and Assessments

Health checks and assessments refer to a series of examinations, tests, and screenings conducted by healthcare providers to assess an individual’s overall health status, identify risk factors for diseases, and detect health conditions early. These assessments are essential for promoting preventive healthcare, guiding treatment decisions, and optimizing health outcomes across the lifespan.

Chronic Disease Management

Chronic disease management refers to the comprehensive approach to caring for individuals with long-term or ongoing health conditions, also known as chronic diseases or non-communicable diseases (NCDs). These conditions often require ongoing medical care, lifestyle modifications, and support to manage symptoms, prevent complications, and improve quality of life.

Minor Surgical Procedures and Cryotherapy

Minor surgical procedures involve surgical interventions that are less invasive and typically performed in outpatient settings or clinical offices. These procedures are used to diagnose, treat, or manage a variety of medical conditions and may involve small incisions, local anesthesia, and minimal recovery time. Cryotherapy, a form of treatment that involves using extreme cold to freeze and destroy abnormal tissue, is often used in conjunction with minor surgical procedures for various purposes.

Travel Medicine

Travel medicine is a specialized field of medicine that focuses on the health needs of travelers, providing medical advice, vaccinations, preventive measures, and management of travel-related health risks. It aims to promote safe and healthy travel experiences by addressing potential health hazards, infectious diseases, and other health concerns associated with international travel.