Consultations are by appointment. Long consultations are available on request. It would be helpful if you would give some indication why you need an appointment so the appropriate time can be allowed for consultation, treatment and paper work. This especially applies to insurance medical examinations, Workcover claims and travel advice.


Notice of 2 hours cancellation is required or patient will receive a ‘did not attend $20.00 fee’ which will be donated to various charity organisations.


There is always a Doctor on duty to deal with urgent problems.  Any further care can be arranged then and continued with the patient’s regular Doctor.  If patients present without an appointment they will be triaged, urgent care will be provided promptly if necessary or alternatively an appointment time will be arranged.

Telephone calls

All urgent telephone calls will be attended to immediately. Please give the receptionist some indication if your problem is urgent so this can be brought to the Doctor’s attention. All non-urgent calls will be returned at the Doctor’s earliest convenience.

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Home visits

A Doctor is available if you require a home visit. If you require your regular Doctor please ring where possible between 8.00am and 9.00am so the Doctor can plan visits.